Réunis en coordination le 1er septembre 2022, les syndicats FO du Groupe Airbus ont analysé les textes mis en réserve des accords « Congés » et « Durée du travail », conformément à l’accord de méthode sur la négociation RELOAD.

Au terme d’une première année de concertations et de négociations, la Coordination FO Airbus Groupe, représentant l’ensemble de ses syndicats, des adhérents, des élus et des mandatés, s’est réunie pour faire le bilan intermédiaire et formuler ses attendus et réserves sur ces deux thèmes majeurs du projet RELOAD.

Pour FO, cette négociation « in globo » permettra de reconsidérer ces sujets, qui de manière transverse en impactent d’autres et dont l’ouverture des négociations interviendra au second semestre (horaires atypiques, rémunération, CET, fin de carrière...).

Si le projet RELOAD a pour ambition la simplification et l’harmonisation, il doit avant tout faire prévaloir la confiance, l’autonomie et la responsabilité. Mais également et surtout renforcer l’attractivité de notre Groupe vis-à-vis des jeunes générations, à un moment où notre industrie aéronautique est particulièrement attaquée par le flight-bashing.

De façon évidente, Airbus renforcera son attractivité par les évolutions technologiques qui nous permettront de proposer des moyens de transport plus vertueux écologiquement voulus par tous, mais aussi, sans l’ombre d’un doute, par un statut social résolument tourné vers le Dialogue Social, plus moderne et en adéquation avec les attentes de toutes les générations.

Pour FO, l’attractivité, c’est séduire les nouvelles générations et fidéliser les salariés d’aujourd’hui, qu’ils soient Compagnons, Techniciens ou Cadres.

Ces transformations nécessaires doivent se faire en respectant l’ensemble des droits acquis par ceux qui ont fait le succès d’Airbus, ceux qui continuent aujourd’hui, nos anciens, nos jeunes ou moins jeunes.

FO s’inscrit dans la recherche d’un juste équilibre entre la préservation des intérêts économiques, industriels et sociaux de l’entreprise et l’intégrité physique et morale des salariés, gage de performance collective et d’attractivité dans nos différentes entités.


Sur ce thème, FO aura porté des revendications et obtenu des avancées particulièrement significatives :

  • 6ème semaine de congés payés pour tous dès l’embauche avec possibilité de prise par ½ journées.
  • 12 jours par an pour « raisons familiales » pour tous.
  • 1 semaine supplémentaire pour la paternité, la maternité et le congé d’adoption rémunérée à 100%.
  • Garantie de l’utilisation de la valeur des droits substitués pour les congés d'âge pour alimenter la négociation sur la fin de carrière.

Ces avancées participeront sans aucun doute à l’attractivité de notre groupe, et surtout elles se feront en garantissant les droits acquis par l’intégration dans le salaire de celles et ceux qui avaient obtenu plus de 5 jours de congés supplémentaires.

FO considère indispensable le droit au repos pour tous et la prise effective des 5 semaines de congés légaux minimum par an. 

Pour FO, il reste malgré tout un certain nombre de revendications sur ce texte :

  • Maintien de la récupération d'un jour férié tombant sur un jour non ouvré (samedi) mais précédé ou encadré par des jours de congés payés.
  • Possibilité de prendre les congés payés légaux par demi-journées.
  • Garantie de l’intégration à 100% de la valeur des droits acquis supérieurs à 5 jours dans la rémunération, incluant tous les éléments de rémunération.
  • Maintien ou augmentation à 5 jours de congés pour les salariés en situation de handicap.
  • Augmentation à 15 jours des congés pour raisons familiales avec possibilité de prise par ½ journées.
  • Augmentation à 2 semaines supplémentaires les congés maternité, paternité, accueil de l’enfant, ou d’adoption.
  • Reconsidération de la notion de temps de travail effectif pour le calcul des droits à congés.
  • Garantie dans la négociation à venir sur le CET de la possibilité de capitaliser les jours 6ème semaine ou JRTT.
  • Demande que les règles d’acquisition, de prise et de planification de la 6ème semaine ne soient pas les mêmes que celles des 5 semaines de congés payés légaux.
  • Demande que l’information/consultation relative aux modalités d'organisation de prise des congés ait lieu en fin d’année N-1.



Sur le sujet de la durée du travail, FO ne s’est jamais inscrit dans le principe du « travailler plus pour gagner plus ».
Force est de constater que la diversité dans la gestion de la durée du travail selon les entités ne propose pas à ce jour une règle unique et complètement harmonisée pour l’ensemble du Groupe.

Pour FO, le principe d’annualisation, s’il correspond à une réalité d’organisation industrielle, sociale ou économique, ne peut se faire au détriment de la souplesse en vigueur quant à sa gestion. S'il y a une volonté manifeste d’abandonner le système du débit-crédit, cela ne doit en aucun cas empêcher la souplesse attendue par les salariés, que ce soit sur les plages variables d’entrée et de sortie ou la traçabilité des horaires effectifs (déclaratif, badgeage..).

Le décompte individuel doit bien distinguer les heures excédentaires et supplémentaires.
Le paiement de ces dernières se faisant à ce jour mensuellement là où le temps de travail n’est pas annualisé, ce sujet devra être traité avec plus de précision dans le bloc « rémunérations ».

Concernant le forfait jours, le seuil de 214 jours doit être considéré comme la référence haute. L’augmentation à 218 jours comme proposé par la Direction doit rester un choix individuel et majoré en conséquence.
Pour FO, cette augmentation collective du temps de travail à 214 jours devra avoir pour conséquence l’augmentation des primes de performance qui sera discutée dans l’accord « rémunération ».

FO rappelle qu’une attention particulière sur l’organisation et les amplitudes de travail doit faire partie intégrante des entretiens périodiques entre les parties concernées.
Pour FO, ce sujet devra être abordé dans la négociation QVT (Qualité de Vie au Travail).

Pour FO, toute disposition spécifique ou autres organisations de travail atypique devront donner lieu à des négociations d’entreprise.

Sur ce thème, FO aura porté des revendications et obtenu des avancées particulièrement significatives :

  • Mise en place et/ou harmonisation des primes habillage/déshabillage ou considération en tant que TTE (Temps de Travail Effectif) 15 minutes par jour.
  • Prise en compte de la maladie et accident de travail comme TTE dans le décompte des heures supplémentaires.
  • Pas de proratisation des JRTT en cas de maladie ou d’accident de travail.
  • Harmonisation de la durée du travail, ce qui facilitera les mobilités au niveau du Groupe
  • Le forfait hebdomadaire d’heures supplémentaires sera systématiquement proposé aux salariés positionnés sur des emplois E9 et E10.

Pour FOil reste malgré tout un certain nombre de revendications sur ce texte :

  • Paiement ou récupération des heures excédentaires (possiblement en heures) au choix du salarié
  • Attribution d’une prime forfaitaire pour les heures supplémentaires à la mise en place du temps de travail annualisé.
  • Paiement de la majoration des heures supplémentaires au plus tard fin janvier de l’année N+1.
  • Repos compensateur à partir de la 175ème heure supplémentaire.
  • RTT : possibilité de prise en ½ journée et de placement sur le CET
  • Utilisation de la méthode de l’arrondi au chiffre supérieur pour la capitalisation des JRTT des salariés à l’horaire pour tous les plots.
  • Augmentation des primes et compensation dans l’Accord Rémunération, si passage à 214 jours pour les cadres.
  • Application des 10% de majoration dès le 215ème jour et au-delà à chaque jour supplémentaire. Cette augmentation du temps de travail devra se faire au strict choix du salarié.
  • Demande que les salariés en journée normale, même s’ils font partie de l’environnement dit “de Production”, puissent capitaliser au même plot que les salariés “Hors Production”.
  • Choix du positionnement de la journée de solidarité par accord dans chaque entité.
  • 6 JRTT maximum à la main de l’employeur et positionnés en priorité sur la semaine 52.
  • Attribution de tous les avantages du « forfait jours » aux salariés non-cadres auxquels sera proposé se statut.
  • Assimilation à du TTE pour le décompte des heures supplémentaires de tous les congés définis à l’article 2 de l’Accord « congés ».
  • Considération comme du TTE pour le calcul de la durée du travail des congés pour raisons familiales et pour enfant gravement malade.
  • Clarification de la définition du TTE pour les droits aux congés, pour la rémunération et pour le décompte des heures supplémentaires.
  • Garantie du maintien de la pratique des temps de pause dans l’ensemble des divisions.
  • Demande que toutes dispositions spécifiques liées à l'organisation du travail ou à l’organisation de travail atypique passe par une négociation.
  • Demande de l’application de la règle forfaitaire pour la définition du calcul des RTT.
  • Demande que les circonstances exceptionnelles soient des “cas de force majeure” et que cela donne lieu à des négociations.
  • Maintien des règles de souplesse des horaires d’entrée et de sortie existantes à ce jour dans les établissements, malgré la fin des compteurs débit-crédit.


FO réaffirme que RELOAD ne devra pas être un plan d’économies mais bien l’écriture d’un statut commun aux 55000 salariés du Groupe.

Ce nouveau statut devra s’apprécier d’un point de vue global. Il devra améliorer le statut des jeunes et garantir les droits acquis des salariés actuels.

C’est la ligne rouge de FO dans cette négociation globale.

RELOAD devra nous permettre de nous engager avec efficacité dans la transformation technologique de notre Groupe afin d’être les premiers au rendez-vous du transport aérien décarboné.

Ce sujet est de toute évidence la garantie quasi exclusive de la pérennité de nos emplois.

RELOAD devra permettre la croissance de nos charges dans toutes les entités françaises, charges qui devront impérativement se transformer en recrutements pour les jeunes générations.

Si pour les populations non-cadres il n’y a pas d’augmentation de la durée du travail, ce n’est pas le cas pour la population des cadres et même si FO aura limité le passage de 216 à 214 jours travaillés, cette augmentation du temps de travail, pour être acceptable, devra garantir des compensations tout comme des engagements sur les recrutements.

Dans tous les cas, 214 jours devront être considérés comme la valeur haute du temps de travail pour ces catégories de personnel.

FO considère, au regard de l’avancement des négociations, que le socle social négocié par FO, et sur lequel nous vivons tous depuis plus de 50 ans, a parfaitement répondwordux objectifs fixés par l’entreprise avec la réussite industrielle que l’on connaît.
Pour FO, il s’agit d’une évolution de ces accords, d’une mise en conformité, en cohérence avec les nouvelles dispositions conventionnelles et légales qui devront largement profiter aux générations futures en garantissant l’existant.

Enfin, FO souhaite rappeler, quoi qu’en disent certains, que ces textes ne seront appliqués dans Airbus que par accord majoritaire et une fois le processus RELOAD terminé, en fin d’année.

La représentativité que vous avez confiée à FO reste votre meilleure garantie !

FO saura prendre ses responsabilités le moment venu, une fois tous les thèmes négociés si l’équilibre global est atteint, sans démagogie.

Les textes complets de ces accords sont en ligne https://fo-airbus.fr/2022/03/29/reload/

FO, notre industrie, nos emplois


Meeting in coordination on September 1, 2022, all the FO unions of the Airbus Group analyzed the texts placed in reserve of the "Leave" and "Working time" agreements, in accordance with the method agreement on RELOAD negotiation.

At the end of a first year of consultations and negotiations, the Airbus Group FO Coordination, representing all of its unions, members, elected officials and delegates, met to take stock of the interim results and formulate its expectations and reservations on these two major themes of the RELOAD project.

For FO, this "in globo" negotiation will make it possible to reconsider these subjects, which in a transversal way impact others and for which the opening of negotiations will take place in the second half of the year (atypical hours, remuneration, TSA, end of career, etc.).

If the RELOAD project aims for simplification and harmonization, it must above all promote trust, autonomy and responsibility. But also and above all to strengthen the attractiveness of our Group vis-à-vis the younger generations, at a time when our aeronautics industry is particularly attacked by flight-bashing.

Obviously, Airbus will strengthen its attractiveness through technological developments that will allow us to offer more ecologically virtuous means of transport desired by all, but also, without a shadow of a doubt, through a social status resolutely oriented towards Social Dialogue, more modern and in line with the expectations of all generations.

For FO, attractiveness means attracting new generations and retaining today's employees, whether they are Blue Collars, Technicians or Cadres.

These necessary transformations must be done while respecting all the rights acquired by those who have made Airbus successful, those who continue today, both young and old.

FO is part of the search for a fair balance between the preservation of the economic, industrial and social interests of the company and the physical and moral integrity of the employees, a guarantee of collective performance and attractiveness in our various entities.


On this topic, FO will have made demands and obtained particularly significant progress:

  • 6th week of paid vacation for all upon hiring with the possibility of taking ½ days.
  • 12 days a year for “family reasons” for everyone.
  • 1 additional week for paternity, maternity and adoption leave paid at 100%.
  • Guarantee of the use of the value of rights substituted for age leave to fuel negotiations on the end of career.

These advances will undoubtedly contribute to the attractiveness of our group, and above all they will be made by guaranteeing the rights acquired by the integration in the salary of those who had obtained more than 5 days of additional leave.

FO considers essential the right to rest for all and the effective taking of the minimum 5 weeks of legal leave per year.

For FO, there are still a number of demands on this text:

  • Maintaining the recovery of a public holiday falling on a non-working day (Saturday) but preceded or framed by paid holidays.
  • Possibility of taking legal paid leave by half-days.
  • Guarantee of 100% integration of the value of rights acquired for more than 5 days in the remuneration, including all elements of remuneration.
  • Maintain or increase to 5 days of leave for employees with disabilities.
  • Increase to 15 days of leave for family reasons with the possibility of taking ½ days.
  • Increase to 2 additional weeks maternity, paternity, childcare or adoption leave.
  • Reconsider the concept of effective working time for the calculation of leave entitlements.
  • Guarantee in the upcoming negotiation on the TSA the possibility of capitalizing the 6th week days or JRTT.
  • Asks that the rules for acquiring, taking and planning the 6th week not be the same as those for the 5 weeks of legal paid leave.
  • Requests that the information/consultation relating to the organizational arrangements for taking leave take place at the end of year N-1.



On the subject of working hours, FO has never subscribed to the principle of "working more to earn more".
It is clear that the diversity in the management of working hours according to the entities does not currently offer a single and completely harmonized rule for the entire Group.

For FO, the principle of annualization, if it corresponds to a reality of industrial, social or economic organization, cannot be done to the detriment of the flexibility in force as regards its management. If there is a clear desire to abandon the debit-credit system, this should in no way prevent the flexibility expected by employees, whether on variable entry and exit times or the traceability of schedules. workforce (declarative, clocking in, etc.).

The individual statement must clearly distinguish excess and overtime hours.
The payment of the latter being made to date monthly where the working time is not annualized, this subject will have to be treated with more precisions in the block "remuneration".

Concerning the "forfait jours" (fixed day rate), the threshold of 214 days should be considered as the upper benchmark. The increase to 218 days as proposed by Management must remain an individual choice and paid accordingly (with an uplift).
For FO, this collective increase in working time to 214 days should result in an increase in performance bonuses which will be discussed in the "remuneration" agreement.

FO reminds that particular attention to the organization and the amplitudes of work must be an integral part of the periodic interviews between the parties concerned.
For FO, this subject should be addressed in QVT (Quality of Life at Work - "Qualité de Vie au Travail") negotiations.

For FO, any specific provision or other atypical work arrangements will have to give rise to company negotiations.

On this topic, FO will have made demands and obtained particularly significant progress:

  • Implementation and/or harmonization of dressing/undressing bonuses or consideration as EWT (Effective Working Time) 15 minutes per day.
  • Taking into account of illness and accident at work as EWT in the count of overtime.
  • No proration of JRTTs in the event of illness or work accident.
  • Harmonization of working hours, which will facilitate mobility at Group level
  • The weekly overtime package will be systematically offered to employees positioned on E9 and E10 jobs.

For FO, there are still a number of demands on this text:

  • Payment or recovery of excess hours (possibly in hours) at the choice of the employee
  • Allocation of a flat-rate bonus for overtime upon implementation of annualized working time.
  • Payment of the overtime increase by the end of January of year N+1 at the latest.
  • Compensatory rest from the 175th additional hour.
  • RTT: possibility of taking in ½ days and placement on the TSA
  • Use of the rounding up method for the capitalization of the JRTT of hourly employees for all plots.
  • Increase in bonuses and compensation in the Remuneration Agreement, if the change to 214 days for cadres.
  • Application of the 10% uplift from the 215th day and beyond for each additional day. This increase in working time must be strictly chosen by the employee.
  • Request that employees on a normal day, even if they are part of the so-called “Production” environment, can capitalize on the same plot as “Non-Production” employees.
  • Choice of the positioning of the solidarity day by agreement in each entity.
  • 6 JRTT maximum in the hand of the employer and positioned in priority on week 52.
  • Allocation of all the benefits of the "forfait jours" to non-cadre employees to whom this status will be offered.
  • Assimilation to EWT for the count of overtime for all leave defined in article 2 of the "leave" Agreement.
  • Consideration as EWT for the calculation of the working time of leave for family reasons and for seriously ill children.
  • Clarification of the definition of the EWT for the rights to leave, for remuneration and for the counting of overtime.
  • Guarantee of maintaining the practice of break times in all divisions.
  • Requests that all specific provisions related to the organization of work or the organization of atypical work go through negotiation.
  • Request for the application of the fixed rule for the definition of the calculation of the RTT.
  • Asks that the exceptional circumstances are “cases of force majeure” and that this gives rise to negotiations.
  • Maintenance of the rules of flexibility of entry and exit times existing to date in establishments, despite the end of debit-credit meters.

FO reaffirms that RELOAD should not be a savings plan but the writing of a common status for the 55,000 employees of the Group.

This new status will have to be assessed from a global point of view. It should improve the status of young people and guarantee the acquired rights of current employees.

This is FO's red line in this overall negotiation.

RELOAD should allow us to engage effectively in the technological transformation of our Group in order to be the first to meet carbon-free air transport.

This subject is obviously the almost exclusive guarantee of the sustainability of our jobs.

RELOAD will have to allow the growth of our workloads in all the French entities, workloads which will imperatively have to be transformed into recruitments for the younger generations.

If for the non-cadre populations there is no increase in working hours, this is not the case for the cadres' population and even if FO will have limited the passage from 216 to 214 days worked, this increase in working time, to be acceptable, will have to guarantee compensation as well as recruitment commitments.

In all cases, 214 days must be considered as the high value of working time for these categories of personnel.

FO considers, with regard to the progress of the negotiations, that the social base negotiated by FO, and on which we have all lived for more than 50 years, has perfectly met the objectives set by the company with the industrial success that we know.
For FO, it is an evolution of these agreements, a compliance, consistent with the new contractual and legal provisions which should greatly benefit future generations by guaranteeing the existing one.

Finally, FO would like to recall, whatever some may say, that these texts will only be applied in Airbus by majority agreement and once the RELOAD process is completed, at the end of the year.

The representativeness that you have entrusted to FO remains your best guarantee!

FO will be able to assume its responsibilities when the time comes, once all the topics have been negotiated if the overall balance is achieved, without demagogy.

The complete texts of these agreements are online (in French only): https://fo-airbus.fr/2022/03/29/reload/

FO, our industry, our jobs


Meeting in coordination on September 1, 2022, all the FO unions of the Airbus Group analyzed the texts placed in reserve of the "Leave" and "Working time" agreements, in accordance with the method agreement on RELOAD negotiation.

At the end of a first year of consultations and negotiations, the Airbus Group FO Coordination, representing all of its unions, members, elected officials and delegates, met to take stock of the interim results and formulate its expectations and reservations on these two major themes of the RELOAD project.

For FO, this "in globo" negotiation will make it possible to reconsider these subjects, which in a transversal way impact others and for which the opening of negotiations will take place in the second half of the year (atypical hours, remuneration, TSA, end of career, etc.).

If the RELOAD project aims for simplification and harmonization, it must above all promote trust, autonomy and responsibility. But also and above all to strengthen the attractiveness of our Group vis-à-vis the younger generations, at a time when our aeronautics industry is particularly attacked by flight-bashing.

Obviously, Airbus will strengthen its attractiveness through technological developments that will allow us to offer more ecologically virtuous means of transport desired by all, but also, without a shadow of a doubt, through a social status resolutely oriented towards Social Dialogue, more modern and in line with the expectations of all generations.

For FO, attractiveness means attracting new generations and retaining today's employees, whether they are Blue Collars, Technicians or Cadres.

These necessary transformations must be done while respecting all the rights acquired by those who have made Airbus successful, those who continue today, both young and old.

FO is part of the search for a fair balance between the preservation of the economic, industrial and social interests of the company and the physical and moral integrity of the employees, a guarantee of collective performance and attractiveness in our various entities.


On this topic, FO will have made demands and obtained particularly significant progress:

  • 6th week of paid vacation for all upon hiring with the possibility of taking ½ days.
  • 12 days a year for “family reasons” for everyone.
  • 1 additional week for paternity, maternity and adoption leave paid at 100%.
  • Guarantee of the use of the value of rights substituted for age leave to fuel negotiations on the end of career.

These advances will undoubtedly contribute to the attractiveness of our group, and above all they will be made by guaranteeing the rights acquired by the integration in the salary of those who had obtained more than 5 days of additional leave.

FO considers essential the right to rest for all and the effective taking of the minimum 5 weeks of legal leave per year.

For FO, there are still a number of demands on this text:

  • Maintaining the recovery of a public holiday falling on a non-working day (Saturday) but preceded or framed by paid holidays.
  • Possibility of taking legal paid leave by half-days.
  • Guarantee of 100% integration of the value of rights acquired for more than 5 days in the remuneration, including all elements of remuneration.
  • Maintain or increase to 5 days of leave for employees with disabilities.
  • Increase to 15 days of leave for family reasons with the possibility of taking ½ days.
  • Increase to 2 additional weeks maternity, paternity, childcare or adoption leave.
  • Reconsider the concept of effective working time for the calculation of leave entitlements.
  • Guarantee in the upcoming negotiation on the TSA the possibility of capitalizing the 6th week days or JRTT.
  • Asks that the rules for acquiring, taking and planning the 6th week not be the same as those for the 5 weeks of legal paid leave.
  • Requests that the information/consultation relating to the organizational arrangements for taking leave take place at the end of year N-1.



On the subject of working hours, FO has never subscribed to the principle of "working more to earn more".
It is clear that the diversity in the management of working hours according to the entities does not currently offer a single and completely harmonized rule for the entire Group.

For FO, the principle of annualization, if it corresponds to a reality of industrial, social or economic organization, cannot be done to the detriment of the flexibility in force as regards its management. If there is a clear desire to abandon the debit-credit system, this should in no way prevent the flexibility expected by employees, whether on variable entry and exit times or the traceability of schedules. workforce (declarative, clocking in, etc.).

The individual statement must clearly distinguish excess and overtime hours.
The payment of the latter being made to date monthly where the working time is not annualized, this subject will have to be treated with more precisions in the block "remuneration".

Concerning the "forfait jours" (fixed day rate), the threshold of 214 days should be considered as the upper benchmark. The increase to 218 days as proposed by Management must remain an individual choice and paid accordingly (with an uplift).
For FO, this collective increase in working time to 214 days should result in an increase in performance bonuses which will be discussed in the "remuneration" agreement.

FO reminds that particular attention to the organization and the amplitudes of work must be an integral part of the periodic interviews between the parties concerned.
For FO, this subject should be addressed in QVT (Quality of Life at Work - "Qualité de Vie au Travail") negotiations.

For FO, any specific provision or other atypical work arrangements will have to give rise to company negotiations.

On this topic, FO will have made demands and obtained particularly significant progress:

  • Implementation and/or harmonization of dressing/undressing bonuses or consideration as EWT (Effective Working Time) 15 minutes per day.
  • Taking into account of illness and accident at work as EWT in the count of overtime.
  • No proration of JRTTs in the event of illness or work accident.
  • Harmonization of working hours, which will facilitate mobility at Group level
  • The weekly overtime package will be systematically offered to employees positioned on E9 and E10 jobs.

For FO, there are still a number of demands on this text:

  • Payment or recovery of excess hours (possibly in hours) at the choice of the employee
  • Allocation of a flat-rate bonus for overtime upon implementation of annualized working time.
  • Payment of the overtime increase by the end of January of year N+1 at the latest.
  • Compensatory rest from the 175th additional hour.
  • RTT: possibility of taking in ½ days and placement on the TSA
  • Use of the rounding up method for the capitalization of the JRTT of hourly employees for all plots.
  • Increase in bonuses and compensation in the Remuneration Agreement, if the change to 214 days for cadres.
  • Application of the 10% uplift from the 215th day and beyond for each additional day. This increase in working time must be strictly chosen by the employee.
  • Request that employees on a normal day, even if they are part of the so-called “Production” environment, can capitalize on the same plot as “Non-Production” employees.
  • Choice of the positioning of the solidarity day by agreement in each entity.
  • 6 JRTT maximum in the hand of the employer and positioned in priority on week 52.
  • Allocation of all the benefits of the "forfait jours" to non-cadre employees to whom this status will be offered.
  • Assimilation to EWT for the count of overtime for all leave defined in article 2 of the "leave" Agreement.
  • Consideration as EWT for the calculation of the working time of leave for family reasons and for seriously ill children.
  • Clarification of the definition of the EWT for the rights to leave, for remuneration and for the counting of overtime.
  • Guarantee of maintaining the practice of break times in all divisions.
  • Requests that all specific provisions related to the organization of work or the organization of atypical work go through negotiation.
  • Request for the application of the fixed rule for the definition of the calculation of the RTT.
  • Asks that the exceptional circumstances are “cases of force majeure” and that this gives rise to negotiations.
  • Maintenance of the rules of flexibility of entry and exit times existing to date in establishments, despite the end of debit-credit meters.

FO reaffirms that RELOAD should not be a savings plan but the writing of a common status for the 55,000 employees of the Group.

This new status will have to be assessed from a global point of view. It should improve the status of young people and guarantee the acquired rights of current employees.

This is FO's red line in this overall negotiation.

RELOAD should allow us to engage effectively in the technological transformation of our Group in order to be the first to meet carbon-free air transport.

This subject is obviously the almost exclusive guarantee of the sustainability of our jobs.

RELOAD will have to allow the growth of our workloads in all the French entities, workloads which will imperatively have to be transformed into recruitments for the younger generations.

If for the non-cadre populations there is no increase in working hours, this is not the case for the cadres' population and even if FO will have limited the passage from 216 to 214 days worked, this increase in working time, to be acceptable, will have to guarantee compensation as well as recruitment commitments.

In all cases, 214 days must be considered as the high value of working time for these categories of personnel.

FO considers, with regard to the progress of the negotiations, that the social base negotiated by FO, and on which we have all lived for more than 50 years, has perfectly met the objectives set by the company with the industrial success that we know.
For FO, it is an evolution of these agreements, a compliance, consistent with the new contractual and legal provisions which should greatly benefit future generations by guaranteeing the existing one.

Finally, FO would like to recall, whatever some may say, that these texts will only be applied in Airbus by majority agreement and once the RELOAD process is completed, at the end of the year.

The representativeness that you have entrusted to FO remains your best guarantee!

FO will be able to assume its responsibilities when the time comes, once all the topics have been negotiated if the overall balance is achieved, without demagogy.

The complete texts of these agreements are online (in French only): https://fo-airbus.fr/2022/03/29/reload/

FO, our industry, our jobs

RELOAD Réserves sur Congés & Durée du travail VF